Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

[NEWS]Jonghyun Was Rangking 1st On Weekly Idol This Week

Jonghyun Was Mention by Weekly Idol MC Dony and Cony...
Because he was Rangking 1st On Weekly Idol This Week..Check Out a Tweet below :
 주간아이돌 @bestIdolone
@realjonghyun90 종현씨 주간아이돌입니다 종현씨가 저희 랭킹에서 금주에 첫 1위를 차지하였군요 축하드립니다!! 혹시나 장난이라고 생각지마시고 방송확인해주세요~~ 당신은 영원한 우리의 아이돌~~^^❤샤이니 화이팅!!^^
Trans :  @/bestIdolone: Jonghyun, this is Weekly Idol. You were 1st on our ranking this week. Congratulations!! Don't think it's a joke. Check it out on our show~~ You are forever our idol~~^^❤ SHINee fighting!!^^

주간아이돌 @bestIdolone@realjonghyun90 방금 보낸 멘션은 주간아이돌 mc 도니 코니가 장시간동안 정성스럽게 써서 녹화중에 직접 보낸 멘션임을 인증합니다. 종현군 1위 축하해요(주제가 뭔지는 방송으로 확인바람^^) 
Trans : @/bestIdolone:  Here's proof that the mention that was just sent was written sincerely for a long time by the Weekly Idol mcs Dony and Kony who sent it during the middle of filming. Jonghyun, congratulations. (We hope you check out the topic on the show^^)

Kyaaa...Our Bling Bling Jonghyun DAEBAK ..
A-Yo...siapa yang Blingers..,??Chukkae...
Buat Video nya menyusul ya...soalnya belum nemu..hehe..
ne dia...baru sempet nyari..maklum lg bnyak tugas...*yahh curcol..

Translation Credit :shiningtweets
Source: bestidolone,patatajkim            

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