Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

{FAN ACCOUNT}120510 SHINee World 2012 in Osaka, Day 3

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Omg Kim Jonghyun just kissed Taemin on the lips... With a paper note in between.
Source/Credit: ipipie

When singing Start, Onew hugged Taemin from the back.
Source/Credit: pktomato & 温民親媽小夏
Translated by: yenn_yy

During JoJo, Taemin touched Onew's butt.
Source/Credit: ケツあごスリスリ & 温民親媽小夏
Translated by: yenn_yy

When Onew was singing 「約束だぁ~よ~(high notes)」, Taemin said, 「Don't, don't force yourself」
Source/Credit: KEYURee &温民親媽小夏
Translated by: yenn_yy

Taemin: There are rumors saying my solo is the most handsome one.
Source/Credit: UniqueTAEM
Translated by: yenn_yy

All the members except Onew were draped around each other shoulders when singing, Jjong moved and gave Onew the space to join them.
Source/Credit: ももちゃん&温民親媽小夏
Translated by: yenn_yy

When Onew saw Minho who was giving Shawols all the fan service, he ran to Minho and hugged him from the back. Minho was shocked, looked at Onew (who was smiling), and Minho smiled too while still being hugged.
Source/Credit: sorairo
Translated by: yenn_yy

Onew hugged Minho and Onew's hands were on Minho's stomach. He surprised Minho.
Source: minewbeetch

At the end of Kiss Kiss Kiss, Key gave Minho a piggyback ride~
Source/Credit: 33334545
Translated by: MINKEY91LINE

During the last MC part, MinKey were standing normally, and then started tickling each other. xD
Source/Credit: mk__o2
Translated by: MINKEY91LINE

It was like Minho did something to Key's shirt, so then Key shouted "Don't,don't!" (didn't state when)
Source/Credit: sea2dakay
Translated by: MINKEY91LINE

During Jojo, MinKey laughed when they faced each other, and then continued dancing while laughing.
Source/Credit: IRiWaParkSup
Translated by: MINKEY91LINE

120510 Minho did a body push up, and Key went to kick him. lol
Source/Credit: _asaminu
Translated by: MINKEY91LINE

when jjong called "onew-ssi" onew ran toward him cheerfully, so cute~
Translated by: juju_home

120510 Osaka Arena tour. A Japanese fan said.. Before throwing the money out, Taemin kissed the money and stick it on his mouth/lips… then.. Jonghyun…. kissed it XDDDD This is totally.. a Jongtae kiss separated by (just only) a piece of counterfeit money XDDDD

120508 - 120510 Osaka Arena tour : Taemin’s comment on his solo satge 1st day - “It was said that (I looked the) most handsome at the last part of my solo”. 2nd day - “Please take note of the last part of my solo”. 3rd Day (today) - “There are rumours that my solo stage is the most handsome” ^^;;;

Source/Credit: UniqueTAEM (http://uniquetaem.com)
Translated by: soundtracklove@soompi

Source : shineee.net

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