Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

{TRANS} Japanese Mobile Fansite Update: Takoyaki

Shinee Mobile Update 20120509 (Staff Blog) feat Takoyaki

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When you talk about Osaka, it’s definitely Takoyaki!! [1]

Before, when we were collecting information in the questionnaire, it was also the lead.

(Here’s ) Taemin who’s delighted to have the takoyaki he longed for before!

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(These are) the bewildered members when they were told they were banned from double-dipping (laugh)

Even though it was just before the show they ate a lot~ Beware of overeating [2]

Translator's Notes:

[1] Takoyaki - Octopus dumplings ~ Mentioned before by Key in Kanfun here.

For no reason a recipe too.

[2] kuidaore = “bringing ruin upon oneself by extravagance in food” says the dictionary.

Image Source: from minoutshine
Japanese to English Translation: crissan@tumblr
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