Senin, 04 Juni 2012

{FAN ACCOUNT}120603 SHINee World Japan Arena Tour at Tokyo - Day4


 During “START”, everyone gathered at the flower aisle. Onew was waving his lightstick and accidentally hit Taemin’s head, and both of them got a shock. Sorry! Onew gave an apologetic expression while Taemin’s expression read “It’s alright, it’s alright..”. Ontae then made eye contact and smiled. Priceless…
(cr :なおてぃ( NEXT SW代々木 )

Jonghyun piggybacked Kibum as they made their way down the flower aisle during the encore. Taemin looked at them admiringly, so Onew piggybacked Taemin. Taemin seems to be extremely happy \(^o^)/
(cr: いもこ※じょんてむ会会長)

Source : credited above / Chi Trans : 温民親媽小夏

  • W-inds’ member, Keita (attended SHINee’s concert today). He wore casually and did not even wear sunglasses. He is really tall. He sat beside the fan who wrote about this..that is the VIP seats beside the audience seating area.
  • Taemin talked in a third person’s point of view today (in one of the MC segment).
  • Not sure what Onew wanted to do behind Key’s back.. he wanted to do it~ but then gave up.. During some other songs, Onew wanted to do it too~ but then gave up again.. At the end, Key gave a “What are you trying to do?” expression and hit Onew once.
  • Onew kept observing Kibum smiling from a distance.
  • Onew picked up the glasses Key threw it (on the floor) and wore it.
  • The MC session at the end : Taemin “So many people came (to our concert) today” Minho “Tokyo fans are really pretty” Jonghyun “Minho won (a prize) from eating ice cream and had another” Minho “Yesterday..I did not go to the convenience stall to change.. I.. I.. brought it here today” Then Minho took the winning ice cream stick out from his pocket
Source: kasumin_09/ Chi Trans : lockxi (weibo)

01. Onew piggybacked Taemin. Taemin burried his face in Onew’s neck.

02. Taemin “Today, a lot.. of..people..came” Key “Taemin-goon speaks Japanese a strong sense of rhythm” Taemin ” This is Taemin’s sense of rhythm~!”
(S/N : This is the 3rd person’s pov speech mentioned above)

03. Key was preparing to do an “I Love You” gesture to the fans. Taemin says “No!! (You cannot do it)” Key wanted to do it again but Taemin prevented him from doing it. After probably 5 attempts, both of them did a heart shape together lovingly. Fans “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~”

04. Taemin “The next song will be the last one..”. Fans “Ayeeee!!”. Taemin “There’s not enough time! What time is it now?” Minho immediately pretended to look at his imaginary watch trying hard to give a reply to Taemin. Then Jonghyun suddenly replied “Nosebleed” (S/N : It is a word gag - it sounds like “what time is it”) Everyone was dumbfounded.

05. As Taemin placed in much effort to greet the fans today, his hyungs blamed him for holding up time, while everyone was busily chattering about it, Onew suddenly said “(Taemin’s time) is mine.”.

06. Taemin said “Saranghae” to the fans while greeting the fans at the end. Fans went “Ahhhhhhhhhhh”. Taemin then replied “There will be no more next time!”. Fans “Ayeeee!!”. Jonghyun smiled and touched Taemin. After everyone teased the maknae who was trying to act cool, Taemin finally said “Thank you everyone.”.

08. When they were returning to the main stage, Taemin deliberately wanted to climb down the stairs to walk through the underground tunnel. Key gave a “Aish..this kid…” look and immediately grabbed his wrist to prevent Taemin from doing so.

09. Some fans found out that Taemin’s counterfeit money has been auctioned for more than 10 000 Yen on Yahoo - a high price!! (S/N : The fan wrote that other than his popularity, the reason why his items probably fetch a high price is because of his bad throwing skills = = i agree. haha.)

Source : Twipple / Chi Trans : TheFirstAndTheLast_LTM
All English Translation by : soundtracklove@soompi
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