Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

[K-Drama]To The beautiful You Ep 15 Live Recap


------ >>>>>>>> See The Picture Of Ep15 Here

Eungyol is entering the bathroom seeing bandage in Jaehee' chest part. 
Eungyol said" Jaehee, u're actually a girl" 
Jaehee chased Eungyol and said she's sorry, she should have told him. 
But Eungyol said if u ever considered my confession, you should have told me. 
Eungyol looked mad and went out of the room.

Hyonjae is looking at the mirror giving himself encouragement words. 
eungyol come and just be mad at him. then lied in the bed. 
Hyonjae felt sorry and excuse himself to go practice.

Eungyol remembered all his time with Jaehee and took a long breath.

Taejoon got a message from his father saying about the plant he snt. 
After returning his father's message, he had a great practice. 
the coach come and showed them a gifted kid who surpassed Taejoon's record.

Jaehee called eungyol but he just igonored it. 
Seungri come and told him some jokes but Eungyol just took long breath and left him

Taejoon got into the room and can't find Jaehee. 
Jaehee was in the dog house crying and said she want to be beside Taejoon. 
Taejoon come and found her. Jaehee asked if he remembered the first time they met in there. 
she told him at that time she couldn't believe she can meet the taejoon. 
Jaehee then said she has something to say to him. 
Jaehee said "i'm actually a girl." 
Taejoon hugged her and said "Thank you that you come into my life. I already knew that u are a girl" 
Taejoon cried and said he knew for a long time and just hold it. 
Then he said " and then , Gu jaehee, i like you" 
Jaehee looked at him, still crying and then they hugged each other.

Hyonjae gave eungyol some drink, and said sorry again. 
Eungyol said it's okay and said sorry he throw his mad at him. 
Hyonjae asked about his love story. 
Eungyol said now, he is mad to the one he like. 
he said he was being foolish, the girl was suffered because someone else. 
but he was always beside her.

Some rumour is spreading , there is a girl inside the school. 
the coach helped the reporter to bring some document. 
the coach saw the girl teacher and suddenly got mad to the reporter.

Jaehee said hello to eungyol in the class and asked to talk with him. 
But eungyol didn't say anything just left her. 
Taejoon watched that, chased Eungyol and asked him to talk with him. 
Taejoon asked if he got into fight with JAehee. 
eungyol said it's not his business, but Taejoon said it's JAehee's problem. 
Jaehee already got many problem. and asked why he's the one who gave trouble to JAehee. 
When he used to be the one who asked Taejoon not to trouble her. 
Eungyol asked if Taejoon knew that JAehee was a girl. 
Taejoon said yes, and Eungyol said how can he do that to him, he should give him a clue. 
Taejoon said he also have no other options. 
Eungyol got mad and left him.

In the laundry room, Jaehee tried to ask forgiveness by using the socks like he used to do. 
But Eungyol just got up and left him. 
Seungri looked at Jaehee said some joke but Jaehee looked cold and left him. 
(Seungri actually looking some joke to tell hanna)

The woman teacer asked Taejoon's help to get interview with the reporter. 
Taejoon said yes and left. 
the coach come and asked about the teacher's meal. 
the woman teacher called the doctor asked to have lunch with her. 
she told the coach to have lunch with the reporter.

Taejoon found Jaehee in the room doing his laundry. 
Taejoon told him not to do it again, but JAehee said she want to help him. 
Taejoon asked about her trouble and they talked about Eungyol. 
Taejoon said Eungyol is nice and he will forgive her soon. 
Jaehee said she doesn't know what to do . 
Taejoon said he got jealous with him. 
JAehee asked about the practice, and said he should have no problem . 
But Taejoon said about the new competitor. 
Taejoon then said he can help him with just being beside him, 
then he left for parctice.

the boys told Seungri about there is girl in the school. 
And said it must be in Seungri's dormitory. 
Seungri said no way, and the other dorm head asked if they can check it. 
Seungri tried another joke but the guys also had no response.

jaehee come and Taejoon took him out to the aquarium. 
Jaehee put her hand in Taejoon elbow and looked around. 
They looked at couple ho hugged and got akward. 
Taejoon took her hand to get closer to watch the pinguin and Jaehee said thank you. 
Jaehee said it was strange to her because Taejoon was really nice to her. 
Taejoon asked the most upsetting time he made her, and she said it was the time he went to Seoul first in the camp training. 
She said she waited him long time but she understand. 
Taejoon took him to outdoor shop and build the tent for them. 
Jaehee baked him the marshmallow. 
They both enjoyed the time.Taejoon told him about camping in the winter. 
he said he ahould do that in the future. 
But Jaehee said she's not sure she will still be there. 
But Teajoon said he will do everything with him.

Eungyol tidy his wardrobe and found the tshirt Jaehee gave him. 
the reporter was taking picture of Taejoon and Hyonjae's practice. 
getting out from the bathroom, the reporter heard the rumour there is a girl in the shol
Eungyol also heard it 
the reporter saw how nice Teajoon to JAehee and got curious. 
The reporter talked to JAehee after prctice and asked her about the rumour . 
But Taejoon saw it and saved her. 
But the reporter already got suspicious. 
the other dorm guys is planning to do something to check the rumour. 
Hyonjae saw them taking some box and the told Eungyol about the rumour 
And told him about the guys with the box in the locker. 
Eungyol heard it and run to save Jaehee.

Jaehee was in the locker and locked it. 
She was taking off her clother while the guys watched er from the box. 
Eungyol come and took her away. 
The guys gave up and went away want to check another [erson. 
Eungyol told her about the rumour. 
Before he lft, Jaehee said sorry once again.

they went for a walk, and he told her about the first time he fell in love with him. 
Eungyol said he should her his wish too. 
he asked him to consider him too.Jaehee want to say no, but Eungyol said to think about it first.

the reporter found Teajoon after practice and said she has interest in Jaehee. 
she asked if she can check about her. 
Then the reporter said it can go away if he give him a private interview

Jaehee went back to the room. 
she just excuse herself to sleep to Teajoon. 
Actually Eungyol asked him to spend one day with her.

the next day, Taejoon went to have interview. 
Jaehee said she will go out with Eungyol 
Taejoon said to be careful, but jaehee said she want to end thing today. 
Taejoon said goodbye and left her.

Eungyol use the bathroom long time and made Hyonje wait for him. 
Then Eungyol and Jaehee went to date. 
Taejoon had a private interview with the reporter.

Seungri found HAnna in the hospital. 
Hanna said she had bad mood and asked him to leave. 
But Seungri refused and showed his intention to chase her. 
Seungri said he like her and then left her. 
but before he lft he made some mistake and ripped his pants showing his smiling underwear. 
Hanna smiled a little and gave him her sweater.

Eungyol and JAehee went to date together. 
Jaehee like some hair pin, and the eungyol bought it for her secretly. 
When they were eating, Jaehee was sending some message for Taejoon. 
the reporter was digging everything from TAejoon. 
While eungyol and Jaehee was sitting in the ech. 
Eungyol said he was glad to find out Jaehee was a girl. 
Eungyol said he like to see her smile . 
he then gave his jacket to JAehee and went away to buy some warm drink. 
the interview end and Taejoon excused himself. 
the reporter asked why he did all this. 
And he said he doen't want to make trouble for Jaehee because of him.

Taejoon opened his pone and found JAehee's message. 
Taejoon send message to Jaehee saying he miss her. 
Jaehee who was with Eungyol want to excuse herself. 
But Eungyol said he will go to the bathroom and if she was still there 
when he come back that means she accept him. 
Jaehee was calling Eungyol who was back from the bathroom. 
But then Jaehee was running to meet with TAejoon. 
Actually, JAehee just want to say directly o Eungyol so she wait for him. 
Eungyol just touched her head and took long breath.

Jaehee said u said u miss me, so i come running. 
Taejoon then hugged her. 

next episode preview 
Jaehee presence in school is getting more difficult. 
And the skinshipp between JAehee and Taejoon made Taejoon more uncomfortable. 
Eungyol also felt hard to send Jaehee away 
But then Seungri found out, 
And Jaehee said she will take responsible for eveything.


Credit  :.vingle/v3sia

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