Senin, 28 Januari 2013

[FANACCOUNT]130128 Minho at the MBC Idol Star Athletic Championships

A lot of fansites' noonas couldn't get in bcos majority seated at seats allocated for Minho not Minho's fans.
Source: DC, Personal_Minho
Translated by: eimanjjong

Alot of the seats reserved for Minho fans are taken by non Minho fans......
Source: Personal_Minho
Translated by: vernxoals

Minho is not in the list of waiting rooms because he will only arrive at the venue at 3pm and straight away film.
Source: eonnikkawaii
Translated by: vernxoals

EXO's fans gave Minho lots of support(?)
Source: Lim霖_Dream
Translated by: vernxoals

SHINee Minho was being interviewed but fans kept shouting "이성열 이성열!" Woohyun told them "Shh keep quiet..."
Source: tyinfinite

10.18 seconds for Luhan and 9.44 seconds for minho on the Hurdle
Source: EXO_M_K

Minho telling to exo members to sit next to him, teasing Tao ;;;;
minho wasn't facing luhan it's a mistake, minho was first
Source: OoMurasakioO

Now it's finals for womens 70m. Exo and Minho are sitting and chatting in a circle
Source: twinnedpoison
Translated by: ontokki

Update #1:

Minho is through to the finals of the hurdle competition!!!!! He really puts in his best :')

Minho is friendly and taught his hoobaes about the hurdle techniques although they are his competitors at the same time ♥
Source: 2min的故事好久好久
Translated by: pplr @

Junmyeon waved both of his hands and wanted to find minho to congratulate him for getting first, but minho was focused on talking to the staff members that he didn't realise what junmyeon was doing, so thus his hands were left hanging in mid air .
Translated by: ontokki

OK this time Minho is against Luhan !
AND GUYS IT'S OK THEY'RE IN THE SAME TEAM so no need to fight on it or idk
HE STOPPED THE RUN IN THZ MIDDLE HE seemed so angrumy but he still smiled bravely
Shawol said "IT'S OK" all together
Minho is okay don't worry he's just disappointed
Aftee stopping the run he sat, hiding his face but EXO were all around him there to cheer him up that was cute and so minho smiled
Source: OoMurasakioO

Source: qyblingtastic

Even though minho fell he still walked all the way to the end before lying down. ;AAA;
Source: 2min的故事好久好久
Translated by: ontokki

Update #2:

Minho run and hit a hedge, he fell on the floor and rolled but quickly stood up. When he saw he lost no mattee what, he just finished by walking, finally luhan then Infinite Woohyun came to him but Minho seemed angry, so he sat on a chair somewhere and hide his face like he was going to cry. EXO members came around him with Infinite Dongwoo and cheer him up. Minho raised his head and he was smiling. He fell but didn't hurt himself he was just very disappointed.
All shawol said "IT'S OK IT'S OK" all together to cheer him up as well
Source: OoMurasakioO

Someone in DC wrote Minho was hugging waist while going in... Hope nothing happens
Source: 海天月夜
Translated by: vernxoals

Minho's waist seems to be hurting so i really hope he doesn't get injured any further. Even when he is hurting, seeing him smile and say that he is okay makes me even sadder.
Source: Beautiful Days
Translated by: qyblingtastic

Apparently minho accidentally hooked one of his legs into the hurdles but didnt want to fall face down so he twisted his waist
But minho persisted till the end until he lied down in pain and everyone crowded over him T____T he had to hold his waist T__T
Source: jonqhyeon

MrMinho Trans (sources from those present): His leg got hooked on the hurdle. He didn't want to fall face down so he turned his body and landed on his side. His waist hitted the ground first but he immediately got up and insisted on walking to the finish line.Think he injured his waist. He rested on the ground for a while. Everyone swarmed up and asked him. He kept waving his hand and said he's ok. Then he stood up and walked slowly to the waiting room while holding his waist.
Source: MrMinho
Translation by: eimanjjong

Minho's waist seems to be hurting so i really hope he doesn't get injured any further. Even when he is hurting, seeing him smile and say that he is okay makes me even sadder.
Source :Beautiful days
Translated by : qyblingtastic

Minho has left for the hospital! Looks like its not a light injury otherwise he would have endured till the end!! Source: wuli小火花, translation: eimanjjong

Yesterday, Minho was sitting with Exo. I was suddenly felt so touched because many people came to see him and say ''hello'', and gave him a hug. But Mir was especially sweet, He came running from the other side and gave him a hug
credit :曺敏贞
source : Thaluuu

MBC Idol Sports - Minho resting after his match, alone walking around, hyperactive kid, really cuteT_T Didn't realise yest as we were far at the mountain that he was already touching his waist & legs, not sure if he was already feeling unwell at that point. Despite this, he still went for the finals. But this is him, a person who will do his best in everything, that's my idol. Even with the smallest effort, we will also do our best to protect you!
Source : mrminho

Compilation by :

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