Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

{TRANS} SHINee on Entertainment Samurai

SHINee on Entertainment Samurai - 20120525

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Onew:Everyone watching Entertainment Samurai
SHINee: Good evening, it’s shining SHINee.
Onew: We’ve released our new single Sherlock on May 16th.
Jonghyun: (Korean) For Sherlock, the lyrics and the entire performance, the plot [1] is distinct. The music you’re hearing and the music you’re seeing, I think we are able to pull off both sides of these.
Onew: Everyone (in) Fukuoka, what memories do you have?
Jonghyun: (Korean) We had our first day of the country-wide tour in Fukuoka. (I) felt so nervous and was (filled with) anticipation.
Key: (Korean) Tonkotsu Ramen instantly relieves the stress and there were lots of fun things.
Onew: I also want to go to Fukuoka again so let’s meet (again). And this was [2] shining…

[1] Some parts were said in Korean but they translated it to Japanese so I did those based on the subtitles. 起承転結 refers to the build up, turn of events/climax then end of a story.

[2] “This was” was actually said by all of them, but remember Japanese sentence structure is different so to get the same flow I had to put it up here.

A big thanks to Revinee for helping me with this

Image Source: minoutshine
Japanese to English Translation: crissan@tumblr
Shared by :Harmony@shineee.net

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