Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

{TWEET}Xiah Junsu Twitter Update his Picture @jakarta 120615

Hey! Jakarta!!^^
어제 새벽에 와있던 문자..자신도 드라마와 영화 촬영하느라 더 정신없고 바쁠텐데..늦은새벽에도 이렇게 모니터해주고 연락주는 착한 재중이형..그리고 자신의 드라마 인터뷰 도는 내내 내얘기만 나오면 더 신나게
Waitdeon characters in the middle of the night .. busy filming his drama and even more crazy and I know how busy .. do monitor this late in the morning and a nice touch, and his TV interview, Jaejoong release .. When turning round more fun naeyaegiman

Naeaelbeom praise and publicity have played .. Yoochun says he timyiraneunge I like .. ^ ^ .. ♥ lucky guy.

Source/Credit :@1215thexiahtic

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