Before the Party (At the SME Building)
One of taem's fansite noonas are here w his gifts
Omg all the fansites' gifts are streaming in ^^;;
there're fans scattered everywhereeeee & I think some fansite got him ice-cream cake!
omg the fangifts :OOO I see gateeyoung, withtaemin, justaem gifts now & just now alr had like 4/5 fansites alr :OO
Lee Soo Man is hereeeee
Omg & when he came out of the car he did he tongue pushing one cheek thingy AHHHHH
Taemin went t the salon opp SM!
Taem changed his outfit too.. to some sleeveless top
Taemin was escorted by his manager from the salon back to SM. He waved & bowed t fans bef entering the building ^^;;
They sprinted across the road before all the fans mobbed them LOL
Omg the 100 chosen fans from the official fc are preparing t enter the building now ;_;
Onew went back t SM building escorted by the manager as well. He's wearing a cap but his head was lowered throughout
Key just reached!! He's wearing a fedora hat & waved t fans as well!
Ok apparently Minho won't come
Source/Credit: zhenzhenislove
Fans saw Lee Sooman, Kyuhyun, and Chanyeol arrived at SM building too.
the 100 lucky fans prepare to enter SM Building for Taemin's birthday party.
Key arriving at SM building and has seen carrying several bags of groceries. Umma~~
Manager Choijin always ready to pick up the rest member who will be arriving. i think Key is the last bcs fans said Minho wont attend.
Source/Credit: shawol_indo
Minho has been filming at the same location for 3 consecutive days... He is currently filming too.
Source/Credit: DC, eimanjjong
Taemin's Birthday Party
taemin sang a small part of Honesty at the end of the bday party
when asked which song taemin listen to recently, he said is busker busker's if you really love me.. and sang a small part too..
about a bad point of minho taemin hated the most - always exaggerating the good things he did. Minho not there, but they talked about him in the 2nd haft of the party, saying things related to him like foreigner, alien..
Onew 1st impression on minho : Alien
Because key like the beer at the airport lounge, he drank with his friend at 5am for the 1st time, then he drank the 2nd time, after that he continue drinking on the plane.. as a result he was too high till keep on waving to the fans at the airport.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Jjong said he will keep an eye to check whether anyone is recording the audio of the party..
key was asked to praise minho, key said minho is really very pure
Taemin said the tickets for SWC II are really hard to get, he can't give it to his hyung, so his hyung have to buy them himself. His hyung wanted to buy 10 tickets but ended up only manage to buy 2. Taemin said if any fans have extra ticket then they can sell them to his hyung
Key said about taemin's sad and funny story. Taemin always wear the shoes for performance.. Jjong then asked whether taemin was wearing the performance shoes today.. taemin said "no! these are mine~ no? actually I don't know whose shoes are these...." Jjong then looked carefully at taemin shoes and said "ah!! these are my shoes!!" taemin "no wonder the shoes are a bit big in size" Jjong "those are mine! of course they are big!"
about onew 1st impression on key, onew said key wore too many accessories that time, so he only focused on them and didn't pay attention to key's face
taking about minho, saying minho will be very proud if the person he gave the present to is very happy with the present, but he will hold the feeling and pretends like he doesn't care. Key then imitated minho's expression that time, conclusion, must acted like you're super happy when receiving present from minho
Source/Credit: 小智MAX
Translation by: yenn_yy
Jjong said he saw this pic 'celebrate Onew for cutting his hair'
Translation by: yenn_yy
Key gave a pair of pretty shoes to Taemin as present
Source/Credit: 跟機人生_小佳
Translation by: yenn_yy
Jonghyun can't drink beer, even half of carbonated drink is very hard for him to drink....
Source/Credit: 小智MAX
Translation by: eimanjjong
Key gave Taemin shoes for his birthday.
Onew said he wanted to try Yesunim(Jesus) hair. Then Jonghyun said "Jejus hair~" LMAO
Onew said he grew out his hair because he wanted to try a hairstyle but he didn't know they wouldn't trim it for him;;
Onew didn't know Shawols would be SO happy about him cutting his hair.
SHINee on their most embarrassing moments: Taemin was going to say Jong's but Jong asked if Taemin is crazy & covered his mouth.
Onew says he gets drunk from half a can of beer.
Onew asked Taemin what he wants for his birthday. Taemin responded, "So I got my driver's license.....
Jonghyun said he tells adult jokes a lot......................................
Translation by: hanatwothree_
onew asked what taemin wants from him as a present.. taemin then said he already has a license
key said taemin always dance twinkle before he sleep
they sang and danced part of MAMA.. taemin then called "kai-xi"
key took a picture to give to a shawol, a female student was chosen but she was very nervous on the stage, taemin then pretended as a tiger to scare her and she cried.. lol
Jjong was going to reveal a secret of taemin, taemin then covered jjong's mouth.. Jjong said he will punish taemin
Source/Credit: Taeminyoyo
Translation by: yenn_yy
Taemin snapped a photo of onew (to give to fans), after onew saw the picture, he said he is like a clown in that picture, very white, he then said the staff has to check whether it can be given out, but the picture was snatched by the staff in the end ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Jjong like to drink PEACH CRUSH cocktail
Onew said he will request to separate minho and his bday party. If they are going to combine it, then the number of fans who attend need to be increased. The fans + staff now is 110 people, so have to be increased to 111 people..
about the solo stage of SWC II, some members will have the same solo song as JAT and some members will have new songs
2 of their japanese song will be sang in korean version
Source/Credit: 小智MAX
Translation by: yenn_yy
Onew suggested to have a separate birthday party from minho this year
Source/Credit: CB了照样养不起金三爷
Translation by: yenn_yy
Jjong said taemin has grown up now, so he specially prepared something for him (which cannot be revealed)..
Taemin wanted to say a secret of jjong, related to football, jjong then covered taemin's mouth and asked are you carzy? I want to sue you!
Translation by: yenn_yy
Taemin always wear shoes meant for their performances. Jonghyun asked Taemin today if he's wearing shoes from their stage? Taemin said "No! This is mine~ No... Actually I am also not sure whose..." Jonghyun suddenly took a closer look at the shoes and said "Ah!! These are my shoes!!" Taemin: "No wonder the shoes are a little big." Jonghyun: "It's mine, of course it's big!!!
Onew grew his hair long voluntary, he didn't expect that cody noonas didn't care about his hairstyle. He was apologetic when he saw how happy the fans were because he cut his hair.
Source/Credit: 小智MAX
Translation by: eimanjjong
Onew actually thought of keeping his long hair like Jesus Christ .....
A 2Min fansite gave Taemin a wallet with a photo of Minho inside ....
So Jonghyun likes Peach Crush Cocktail which is sweet and very popular with the ladies... Jjong ah, is this your noona's fav drink too?
Translation by: eimanjjong
Taemin blew out his candles with his nose. It kept lighting back up so he tried twice with his nose and once with his mouth.
Key said he would cover his face with his hair when he was a trainee. Jonghyun asked if he was a sea urchin.
Taemin has been into hiphop recently so he goes around throwing peace signs and etc. Key would ask what in the world he's doing...
Key said he wore the flashiest clothes during Juliette. Taemin said it looked okay but it didn’t look nice.
Key complimenting Minho: That child is very innocent.
Jonghyun's most embarrassing moment has something to do with a soccer ball and something R rated...
The fan who took a polaroid pic with SHINee must have the name Jongin. SHINee kept singing & dancing MAMA. Taemin was like "My friend Kai!!"
Key likes beer. He even drank it at the airport lounge before leaving for Japan. When he got off the plane, he was smiling widely.
Staff hyung said he doesn't think that's right;;
The boys are still recording and preparing their album. Also, the reason why they cut their hair doesn't have to do with their album.
Jonghyun got his hair cut but he doesn't like it so he's using shampoo that helps hair grow faster.
(About Jonghyun's embarrassing moment) Taemin: Soccer ball, soccer ball! / JH: Do you wanna die?! I'm a celebrity too!
One fan who got picked had the same name as Luna so Jonghyun sang Electric Shock.
Taemin couldn't find shoes so he just picked one and walked out. It turns out they're Jonghyun's shoes. It's big on Taem keke.
Translation by: hanatwothree_
because minho is not around, they keep on saying bad things about him hahahaha
jonghyun said key has a four dimensional personality
jonghyun said he saw this fan with "celebrating because onew cut his hair"
hahahahaha key imitating minho in a very exaggerated way
they danced and sang a small part of mama??????
it's said that 2 of their japanese songs will be translated to become korean songs omg
SWC2 solo and japan arena tour solo stages, some members' solo will be the same and some will have new solo stages
Translation by: lipsandlove
kim kibum's such a fashionista on his trainee days~~ his hair wrapped up his face, jonghyun: are you a sea chestnut? PMSL
jonghyun... baggy pants.. waeyo
he wore them on tae's bday today lol
among the lucky winners, there's a fan whose name was like luna then jonghyun sang electric shock, jinki bounced off his shoulders and went "jeon jeon jeon!" (it's luna's park on the song) when he gave sign to her. LOL
before debut, shinee members used to tease minho as a person who didn't have special changes lmao
when a fan tried get handshake w/ taemin, they used the opposite hands, then when she tried to switch hands, but taemin switched his too ;w;
taemin and that fan tried to switch their hands for handshake more than once omfg cries
at the end, onew played around with balloon and accidentally hit on a fan's face, the other members have left, but onew came to her direction and apologize her asking if she was okay, he kept giving her worrying look but she said she's okay. onew then nodded and say goodbye to her ;;;;
Posted by: izuminhosano
After the Party:
Jjong stood there & stone for like 5 min
Jjong. U took 5 min to reverse and get ur car out of the garage
Basically jjong had a hard time reversing his car just now. He let out a smile as fans called out his name. He was alone.
Source/Credit: Hello_Romantic
Jjong wanted to talk bad about minho, but doesn't want to leave down any evidence, so he asked the fans who were recording to stop recording the audio.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Source/Credit: 小智MAX
Translation by: yenn_yy
Jjong said although taemin never drive him before, but because taemin is quite good in sports, and good in football too, so he should be good in driving too
when taemin was singing honesty, jjong said he like the song very much, fans said they like it very much too, jjong then said he is the one who wrote the lyrics
Taemin will feel hungry once he woke up in the morning, so he will eat his breakfast 1st before washing his face and brushing his teeth, and the timing when taemin woke up is the same as the timing key finished preparing the food.
Jjong was afraid the question paper will be wet, so he put it near taemin's butts, but accidentally poked taemin's butt, taemin was shocked ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Taemin threw the question papers on the floor after the finish reading them, threw around 7 papers
Key said his clothing style during juliette era was very gorgeous, looking back to the pictures that time, he also can't understand how he can go out by dressing up in that way, feel a bit embarrassed now.. Taemin "I think it's not strange" Key was happy and asked "really?" taemin "but don't really look good"
Source/Credit: jjongtaem421
Translation by: yenn_yy
other members said minho was a normal person during pre-debut time, because other members played crazily like abnormal people
talking about minho's good points, he is very pure, polite and is an upright man.. XDDDD
Minho likes to take care of the people around him, he will feel satisfy by doing so, although he is young, but he is like a father
about 1st impression on minho, they said minho was young that time, so his body size was not that big that time, but his eyes were as big as now, his eyes are too big, so looked like an alien
when asking present from minho, minho will say "depends on your performance", Taemin "haiz, hyung doesn't want to give me present" Minho "you... then I don't want to give you anymore, I prepared it(the present) everyday"
But taemin can't remember what minho gave him. There's another member which will exchange present with minho. There's also a member who gave minho underwears.. XD
Source/Credit: MrMinho
Translation by: yenn_yy
Q: what will you think when looking into a mirror? Taemin: I will think of dancing when looking into the mirror
Translation by: yenn_yy
The peach crush cocktail that Jonghyun likes to drink was trending in Japan;;
Jonghyun said his fringe isn't fake clip ons and dusted his head LOL cause fans kept saying he's wearing fake fringe like the Sherlock shoot
Jonghyun took off his hat when he bowed hello and took it off again when he bowed goodbye. Well mannered kid. ^^
SHINee said they were gonna talk badly behind Minho's back but ended up only saying compliments LOL
Translation by: hanatwothree_
Apparently Jonghyun was like scanning the fans at the bday party from the stage with his puppy eyes.. lol... Who are you looking for?
SHINee said their new haircuts are not for the album. My wishful thinking: Can I assume maybe for your guest roles in To The Beautiful You/For You In Full Blossom?
Translation by: eimanjjong
flamzya : i want join in the party too..T^TCompiled by joAnnwashere @
Happy birthday for Taeminnie....u now in the same age with me..keke~
Wish U All The best to The Best Maknae..
Minho have a busy schedule that make him can't come...poor minho,,i hope he take care his health....~_~
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